Friday 241129 > Workout of the Day

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페인스톰 피트니스

Workout of the Day

Friday 241129

페이지 정보

작성자 PAINSTORM 작성일24-11-28 21:02 조회48회 댓글0건


[ 압구정 ]

"Strict Nate"

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes :

2 Strict Muscle up
4 Strict Handstand push up
8 Kettlebell Swing ( 32/24 )

A : Functional, 2 BMU
B : 5 Pull up, 7 HSPU, 9 KBS
C : 4 Pull up, 8 Push up, 12 KBS

Compare to 240130

[ 잠실 ]


20 Sit up
10 Dumbbell Snatch, alternating ( 50/35 )
10 Dumbbell Walking Lunge
1 Wall Walk

20 Sit up
10 Dumbbell Snatch, alternating
10 Dumbbell Walking Lunge
2 Wall Walk

A : 무게 자유
B : Half Wall Walk
C : Inchworm Push up

[ 수원 ]


5 Rounds for time of :

5 Power Clean ( 135/95 )
10 Fornt Squat
5 Push Jerk
20 Pull up

Rest 90 seconds

A : 무게 자유
B : 15 Pull up
C : 10 Pull up

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